What's new? Nothing much.. every day is a clear sunny day, not too cold, not too hot, super good weather. Was busy trying to sell the little house, talkd to different realtor to find out what's the right price to put it on market. One told it's liek 470-499k, theother one told me like 399-420k. pretty big gap there. They are still trying to do some more research to set the final price, I will wait for this week, then I will come up my own price.
How do you tell who's rich and who's poor? Jenn is the expert.. here's waht she told me today :
poor pple say did you eat enough. Middle class says, did you like the food. Rich say, did the food look good
poor people laugh about people and sex. Middle class laugh about situations. Rich pple laugh about social mistakes
poor focus on future, middle on present, rich on past
So where do you stand? I know I belong to the middle class : )